A short story displaying a friendship between a special surfboard and it’s joyous rider, “Peanut Butter” is a refreshing love tale from the sea. Watch the first film collaboration of soul surfer/positive living enthusiast Leah Dawson and peace-bringing musician/poet Michael Franti, as the story of Peanut Butter comes alive in the clear blue waters of […]
11-year-old Brooke Raboutou is a rock climbing phenom who regularly breaks world records on elite bouldering and sport climbs once thought impossible for someone her age. With two former world champion climbers for parents and coaches, Brooke’s pedigree is unmatched. Now she has set her sights on pushing both herself and the climbing world to […]
5, 4, 3, 2, 1…and we have lift off! Jetpack’s all girls crew go in search of intergalactic shred!
The fountain of youth? 82 year old Carol Schultz has found it on a beach in San Fran. Tyler Manson creatively pairs Carol’s love of the ocean with Bahamas’ track ‘Waves’.
Filmmaker Jon Chew creates a tiny little piece of calm viewing with this short film documenting a bike build to inspire more women to make, build and cycle!
Nicole Laura MacGregor’s thought-provoking documentary poses the question what does it mean to climb like a girl?
From The climbing film ‘Committed Vol II’ available on DVD and Download from http://www.hotaches.com/films.htm
Riding pusher bmx and fbm bikes, daredevils Dani Windhausen and Denise Baca show us how it’s done!
National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, Liv ambassador and Afghan Cycles Producer, Shannon Galpin uses cycling to empower women and challenge gender barriers in Afghanistan.